About me
I am an architect, analog astronaut, researcher, and a PhD student at the Silesian University of Technology where I carry out research on space architecture with an emphasis on aspects of self-sufficiency in extreme environments. Currently, I am Visiting Research at the University of Houston, SICSA, I'm CEO of the Extremo Technologies (incubated in ESA BIC Poland), where we are developing solutions for space and Earth based on extremophiles. In my current research work, I am a Coordinator of the first in Poland space architecture research program "Scientific Program of Space Architecture" and the Space Architecture Student's Club where in interdisciplinary teams students develop projects connected with ergonomic design in space, space education, habitats and technologies, hydroponics, and more. I collaborated as a design researcher/architect with Space is More and the Lunares Research Station where I conducted my qualitative and expert research on human activities in isolated, extreme conditions of space habitats. So far I had an opportunity to collaborate with the Polish Space Agency, NASA JPL, Steller Fireworks, Science Now, Deep Space Initiative.
Extremo Technologies
CEO, We are working on projects and concepts based on extremophiles for space and Earth solutions. (now) -
University of Houston, TX
Visiting Researcher at the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (Exchange program to the US, The Kosciuszko Foundation)
Deep Space Initiative
Head of the Educational Department, 2021 -
Polish Astrobiology Society
Board member 2021-2022 -
Space is More, Lunares Research Station - architect and designer 2021
Student’s Council of the President of Polish Space Agency,
Head of the Students Council 2021-2022 -
Lunares Research Station 2021
Analog astronaut, researcher -
M.A.R.S. Academic Project 2020
Founder, initiator and coordinator 2020
Academy of Business and Civil Society Leaders, 2020
Mentee 2020-2021 -
Shesnnovation StartUp Academy, 2020
Mentee, start-up founder 2020-2021 -
Student’s Forum Business Centre Club, Region Katowice, 2019 / As a Head of the Region, Human Resources Coordinator, Project Coordinator
Science-art residency ART+DESIGN+SCIENCE, 2018
Part of the multidisciplinary team “Spaceship Earth”
Innovations in bio-space architecture for climate change relief. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2023 / W. Dziadula, E. Borowska, W. Urbanska, S. Sabry
Deep Space Habitation Systems - A Technological Review, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 202 (R. Nyamukondiwat, M. Belali, M. Diamond, A. Nilvarna , D. Souza, J. Al Attari, W. Dziadula, C. Lhabitant, M. Lehmitz, P. Timko, P. de León, .Sabry, K. Staats
About architecture in extreme conditions. How can space and extreme environment help architects design better? 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 2022 / W. Dziaduła, K. Fross
The PANDA space program in the LunAres habitat - research on needs and behavior during isolationThe PANDA space program in the LunAres habitat - research on needs and behavior during isolation. / Dream Silesia 2022 / K. Fross, W. Dziaduła, L. Orzechowski, A. Mintus
Qualitative research in the LunAres space habitat / Dream Silesia 2022 / K. Fross, W. Dziaduła
Kosmiczny architekt i konstruktor - zawody przyszłości. W.Dziadula, K. Fross / Article in the Forum Budownictwa Śląskiego (61.62) 2022, ISNN 1643-6350 s. 37-41
Analogowe habitaty kosmiczne – badania i koncepcja własna / Analog space habitats - research and own concept / Builder Science 2022, „Builder” 3 (296). DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.7363 / K. Fross, W. Dziaduła
Kosmos na Ziemi – analogowe habitaty kosmiczne. Badania jakościowe podczas symulowanej misji kosmicznej / Space on Earth - analog space habitats. Qualitative research during a simulated space mission /Builder Science 2022, „Builder” 7 (288). DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.9334 / K. Fross, W.. Dziaduła
Architektura w czasach zmian demograficznych. Działalność Studenckiego Koła Naukowego LAB60+ / Architecture in times of demographic changes. The activity of the LAB60 + Student Science Club / 2019, Łódź U Like Conference / W. Dziaduła, K. Sosna, P. Dapa
Zmiany klimatu - nowy raport IPCC / Climate change - new IPCC report / Architektura Murator Magazine, 2022
Kosmiczny architekt i konstruktor - zawody przyszłości / Space architect and constructor - future professions / Forum Budownictwa Śląskiego Magazine, 2022
Speaking opportunities
26.11.2023 - ASCEND, Las Vegas, Pitching Competition, Boryung, Axiom Space, Aurelia Institute,
6.11.2023 - PLGBC Green Building Summit: Building (R)evolution by PLGBC - Keynote speaker, EcoYoung Trendsetter, Warsaw
29.06.2023 - Bridge Conference 2023, session moderator: Energy and circular economy, Polish-German scientific and business conference in Krzyżowa
22.03.2023 - Open Day at ESA BIC Poland - Extremo Technologies, pitching competition
02.2023 - CHAMS #2. International analogue Astronaut Workshop in Astroland, Spain / Attendee / Community of Human Analogue Space Missions, Mars Society UK. Topics: Experiments for analogue space missions,Safety and Space suit workshop
08.12.2022 - WeNeedMoreSpace in Gliwice #1- speaker
01.12.2022 - Galaktyka Kobiet X - expert panel discussion - ESERO Poland, European Space Agency, Centrum Nauki Kopernik
25.11.2022 -'Space architect - future profession' lecture for Liceum Ogólnokształcące Etz Chaim, STEAN Edu Students Club, Wrocław
24.11.2022 - "Space architect and constructor' presentation at XII Śląskie Forum Inwestycji, Budownictwa, Nieruchomości, Gliwice
10.2022 - CHAMS #1. International analogue Astronaut Workshop in Lunares, / Attendee. Community of Human Analogue Space Missions, Mars Society UK. Topics: Experiments for analogue space missions, Life support systems and human factors, Habitats, Piła, Poland
09.2022 - About architecture in extreme conditions. How can space and extreme environment help architects design better? Speaker. Presentation at International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France
09.2022 - Concept of an integrated deployable space habitat. Speaker and organizer - 1st Space Architecture Seminar, Scientific Program of Space Architetcure + APASmart company, Gliwice, Poland
05.2022 Lunares Student’s Workshop for Student Club SpaceDesign_PolSl. Organizer. Scientific Program of Space Architecture x Lunares, Piła, Poland
05.2022 -Space Night Wrocław, Kids Workshop Tutor, Discussion Panel host. WroSpace x ExtremoTechnologies, Wrocław, Poland
05.2022 - Interdisciplinarity in Space Research, Speaker, International V KGK Space Resource Conference, Speaker. AGH, Kraków, Poland
04.2022 -The PANDA space program in the LunAres habitat - research on needs and behavior during isolation. Speaker. Presentation at International DREAM
Silesia Conference, Gliwice, Poland -
11.2021 - About the Lem and Space, Speaker, Organizers: Ministry of Development, Technology, Polish Space Agency, Warsaw, Poland
10.2021 Observe the Moon with NASA and Polish Space Agency. Speaker, organizer, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice in collaboration with Polish Space Agency
10.2021 - Fireside chat with Space Architect hosted by Polish Space Agency. Gallivanter project. Speaker, Thursday Gathering, CosmisHub, Cambridge
Innovation Center, Warsaw, Poland -
10.2021 - Interview with the President of by Polish Space Agency. Host, Thursday Gathering, CosmicHub, Cambridge Innovation Center, Warsaw, Poland
04.2021 - Mars Hackaton, Participant, Organized by US Embassy Warsaw and Polish Space Agency, Warsaw, Poland
03.2021 - Relation from Analogue Mission - webinar, Speaker, Organized by Kraina Twórczości, online
03.2021 - My mission on the Moon, Speaker, Lecture for kids from Primary School No. 162 in Krakow, online
12.2020 - Architecture and space. How to design a cozy home on Mars? Webinar, Speaker, Organized by Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji, online
02.2020 - Technology. The hi-tech revolution in the interior. Discussion Panel Member. 4DesignDays 2020, Property Design, Katowice, Poland
2023 - Pogadajmy o nauce: Jak zaprojektować dom na Marsie? - Podcast
2023 - Kosmos potrzebuje… architektów. Jak zaprojektować bazę na Marsie? - Radio Gdańsk
2022 - Budownictwo przyszłości: Architektura kosmiczna. Wywiad Blogbabazbudowy.pl
2022 - Architektura kosmiczna - to już nie mit! Techitektura. Technologia w Architekturze. Podcast Tomasza Bijoka.
2021 –Zmiany klimatu - nowy raport IPCC - article in the Architektura Murator 11/2021//326 s.8
2021 – Reportaż. Architetka w Kosmosie. Polskie Radio Katowice
2021 – Kosmos na wyciągnięcie ręki. Analogowa astronautka, studentka Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej, była dwa tygodnie w bazie Lunares, Nowiny Gliwickie
2021 - Naukowcy Politechniki Śląskiej biorą udział w wyjątkowej misji kosmicznej. Wyborcza
2021 - Robo -Oldi z Politechniki Śląskiej ze złotym medalem na Międzynarodowych Targach Wynalazków i Innowacji. Nowiny Gliwickie
2021 - Artyści i ludzie ze świata nauki połączyli siły w projekcie ART+DESIGN+SCIENCE. Nauka w Polsce